The SGL Museum has been developing its research along three fundamental lines: the history of the museum, the systematic study of its collections and, finally, the voyages of exploration that gave rise to important parts of the collections. To this end, three projects were developed with funding from the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). The first is dedicated to the study, inventory and curative conservation of a significant part of the museum collection (CATETO).
The second relates to the photographic collection (PHOTOLIS) and the third to the expedition and ethnographic collection (EXPLORA) that the explorer Henrique de Carvalho carried out in Lunda (Angola) between 1884 and 1888. (catalog cover images…). The museum has been supporting and publicizing its museum collection by making its collections available to master’s and doctoral students, as well as through the internships it carries out as part of undergraduate courses in African Studies (FLUL) and Anthropology (ISCTE).