Yombe, Kongo
Cabinda, Angola
Wood(canarium schweinfurthii), iron, resin, cauri, porcelain, vegetable fibers, textiles and pigments
c. 1890
A. 112 cm
These figures, carved from wood considered sacred, had unparalleled power among the Kongo. Through their mediumistic abilities (white eyes), their contact with the ancestors and the extraordinary powers of perception and intermediation they gave the nganga (cult specialist), he was able to perceive danger, help, act as an arbitrator, heal or destroy opponents.
It was up to the nganga to activate this figure (make it effective), namely by placing the receptacle in the abdomen into which he introduced magical substances and the cauri. On the head the mpu used by bosses. Figure with hands on hips and leaning forward in an aggressive and defiant attitude towards danger. The mouth is ajar, leaving the scarred teeth and part of the tongue visible, in an allusion to the act of licking the nails to activate the drugs.